Mickey Mouse Invitations - New Template
Hi there! Today I'm uploading the DIY of a new set of Mickey Mouse invitations I did for a friend. Without further details, here is what you'll need: Card Stock. I bought Yellow, Black and Red. White buttons Scissors Silicone glue. You can also use the glue gun, but I recommend liquid silicone because the finishing touches will look better. Mickey Mousse Invitation template . Download it here . Use the templates to trace onto the cardstock. Once you have finished, proceed to cut all the pieces. I used the bigger template to trace onto the yellow cardstock, and the following one to trace on the black cardstock. Glue the black piece on top of the yellow one and let dry. You would end up with something like the picture below. Use the half circles that you already traced and cut from the Red cardstock and glue them on top of the layout you created. This is VERY IMPORTANT : lay the glue ONLY around 1 cm of the semi circle, meaning...