DIY: Pop Corn Boxes

Hey there! Long time no write!

Today I wanted to finish posting some of the things I created for my daughter's birthday (yeah, like a million years ago).

So here is the How to for the PopCorn Boxes! They can also be used as Favor Boxes or for any other occasion.


PopCorn template. You can download it here. I also found them on this website, if you need another tutorial on the How-to



Hot Glue gun and sticks

Foamy Stars or any other embellishments.

The hardest part of the whole process is the cutting and assembly of the boxes. If you are the happy owner of a Cricut machine, then that's awesome! If not (and this is my case) proceed to print the template in card stock or any other material and start the cutting process.

Once you have cut and assembled the boxes is easy breeze!

Measure the ribbon, cut it and add it to the box using the hot glue gun.

Add the stars made out of glitter foamy....

And that's it!! Absolutely gorgeous! I also used some Free Printable stickers that I printed out from a website (which I don't recall now... Sorry!) to add some variety to the design.

You can use them as Popcorn boxes, as I did, or as a regular favor box by adding maybe handles made out of ribbon! :)

Happy crafting and don't forget to leave your comments!

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